

CS50 Harvard University – Programming in Python

Kursus bevis Harvard University

Introduction Welcome to my blog post! Here I will share my experience with Harvard University’s CS50P course, a comprehensive introduction to computer science and programming. This isn’t merely an introduction to a programming language but an introduction to the intellectual enterprise of computer science and the art of programming. This course, taught by David J. […]

CS50 Harvard University – Programmering i Python.

Kursus bevis Harvard University

Introduktion Velkommen til mit blogindlæg! Her vil jeg dele min oplevelse med Harvard University’s CS50P kursus, som er en grundig introduktion til datalogi og programmering. Dette er ikke blot en introduktion til et programmeringssprog, men en introduktion til den intellektuelle virksomhed i datalogi og kunsten at programmere. Dette kursus, undervist af David J. Malan, giver […]

Flask Python Framework

What is Flask? Flask is a micro web development framework for Python. It was developed to make it easy to get started with web development in Python. Although Flask is known as a “micro” framework, this should not be understood as if it lacks functionality. Flask is capable of building everything from small to large […]